Sign up KAS

You can start using KAS after authenticating your e-mail address. On the Sign Up page, enter your email, password, name, phone number, and company name (optional).

Sign Up

Click [Join] to send a verification email to the entered email address. Check your inbox for the KAS authentication email, and look for the authentication number.

Email Verification

Enter this number on the KAS Console page to complete verification.

Enter Mail Address and Verification Code

Once authenticated, you will be redirected to the Login page.

For inquires about this document or KAS, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Sign in KAS Console

Log in using the registered email and password.

Sign In

Once logged in, you will be redirected to default [Dashboard] where you can check the API usage by your Klaytn accounts created in KAS.


For any inquires about this document or KAS in general, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

What is Kaia Account?

A blockchain application will need to send transactions to the blockchain. The sender of the transactions to the blockchain is the "Account," whereas the user's account is denoted as EOA in Kaia. You need a Kaia account to send transactions to the platform using Wallet API, or to check the transaction history for KAIA or other tokens via the Token History API.


A KAS account is created by joining KAS, whereas a Kaia account must be created on the KAS Console.
For details on the transaction, please visit here.

For questions about this document or KAS in general, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Account, Fee-payer Account, Operator Account

Kaia accounts include all accounts including the EOA (externally-owned account) for storing, sending, and receiving KAIA, and smart contract accounts created when deploying smart contracts, etc.

KAS offers several account types with different functions:

For questions about this document or KAS in general, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Account Pool

A KAS account can have several Kaia accounts. KAS provides account pools for easy management of all Kaia accounts using just one KAS account. Each type of Kaia accounts can also have their own account pools, and one KAS account can create and operate multiple storages.

KAS provides the following account pool types with different roles:

  • Account Pool : A repository for managing regular Kaia accounts
  • Fee-payer Pool : A repository for managing fee-payer accounts

For questions about this document or KAS in general, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Create Kaia Account

Create Account Pool

KAS provides account pools to manage multiple Kaia accounts. To use this, the user must first create account pool on the KAS Console and then create a new KAS Console account in the account pool created using the Account Creation API.

Default Account Pool

The default account pool is assigned automatically when you do not do so yourself when calling a KAS API. If you didn't enter the KRN of your own account pool in x-krn in API Request header, then the Kaia account in the default account pool will be used. You can find your the default account pool in [KAS Console] > [Service] > [Wallet] > [Account Pools], which is marked as DEFAULT.

The first account pool you create is automatically designated as the default account pool. For example, if you have created an account pool named A on KAS Console and you didn't specify any account pool when calling an API, the Kaia account stored in this A account pool will automatically be used. When you didn't create any account pools and try to call an API that creates a Kaia account, KAS automatically designates the default account pool and push this newly created Kaia account into the default account pool.


Enter the KRN of other account pool to x-krn if you want to call an API with a Kaia account stored in some other account pool.

KAS Console > Service > Wallet > Account Pools

Click the [Create] button under [KAS Console] > [Service] > [Wallet] > [Account Pools]. And then click on the button to display the screen for creating Kaia account pools.

Service > Wallet > Account Pools

Create Account Pool

Create a Kaia account pool. It must have a different name from other account pools for the current KAS account.

Create Account Pool

Check the Account Pool

Once the account pool is created, you can find it on the account pool list.


If you enter KRN, which is obtained from account pool, into the x-krn in the API request header, you will be calling this API with the Kaia account stored in this account pool.

Created Account Pool

For questions about this document or KAS in general, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Create Account

Create in Console

Select any one of the account pools created above. On the screen of the selected account pool, click [Create Account] to create an account.

Creating an account in the selected account pool

API Request

Call the Kaia account creation API as follows. You may use the REST API or KAS SDKs (caver-js, caver-java extensions) for this.

An API authentication key can be created on KAS Console > [Security] > [Credential] menu, and the authentication password (Secret AccessKey) and Authorization can only be checked once upon their creation. Therefore, it is necessary to copy or download Secret AccessKey and Authorization to a safe location for proper and safe management after its creation. Authorization (e.g., Basic S0FTS1A2WkRaSjh...), which can be checked after creating an authentication key, refers to a value encoded using the AccessKey ID and Secret AccessKey through the basic authentication method and used for the call header when calling APIs.

A KAS API Authentication Key (API Auth Key) provides access to all KAS services and all the rights to a Kaia account which was created by calling Wallet API via this API Auth Key. The rights here include accessing and transferring all the assets (KAIA, etc.) of or sending a transaction from a Kaia account. If you shared your API Auth Key with any unauthorized personnel, your Kaia account could be compromised and might cause unwanted transaction execution.


DO NOT share your API Auth Key (Secret AccessKey or Authorization) with any unauthorized personnel. DO PUT efforts necessary to keep your API Auth Key safe for the security of your KAS/Kaia account.

//An example of using the default account pool of KAS with the x-krn header parameter is omitted
curl --location --request POST "" \
-u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key} \
--header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}"

//An example of using the account pool created above with the x-krn header parameter is included
curl --location --request POST "" \
-u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key} \
--header "x-chain-id: {chain-id}"
--header "x-krn: krn:1001:wallet:6698d79e-78ee-439a-815d-f293ec6ae736:account-pool:ap1"
const result = await caver.kas.wallet.createAccount();
Account account = caver.kas.wallet.createAccount();

API Response

Here is the response of the Kaia account creation API.

//Example of a response when creating an account in the KAS default account pool
  "address": "0xa809284C83b901eD106Aba4Ccda14628Af128e14",
  "chainId": 1001,
  "createdAt": 1599187293,
  "keyId": "krn:1001:wallet:68ec0e4b-0f61-4e6f-ae35-be865ab23187:account-pool:default:0x4cbbcb974e32a7960e1b356edf60087613101919ed83199f12e872cba068a50f",
  "krn": "krn:1001:wallet:68ec0e4b-0f61-4e6f-ae35-be865ab23187:account-pool:default",
  "publicKey": "0x04cdccfb99b2905561e3dd886687b429a004718f11b04914f17ce68fd3a0db46c598a45da85caa61fe84cb78a0f2eaa9983ec7b8805a93ef9428eb1350a8558237",
  "updatedAt": 1599187293

//Example of a response when creating an account in the account pool that you created
  "address": "0xa809284C83b901eD106Aba4Ccda14628Af128e14",
  "chainId": 1001,
  "createdAt": 1599187293,
  "keyId": "krn:1001:wallet:6698d79e-78ee-439a-815d-f293ec6ae736:account-pool:ap1:0x4cbbcb974e32a7960e1b356edf60087613101919ed83199f12e872cba068a50f",
  "krn": "krn:1001:wallet:6698d79e-78ee-439a-815d-f293ec6ae736:account-pool:ap1",
  "publicKey": "0x04cdccfb99b2905561e3dd886687b429a004718f11b04914f17ce68fd3a0db46c598a45da85caa61fe84cb78a0f2eaa9983ec7b8805a93ef9428eb1350a8558237",
  "updatedAt": 1599187293
Account {
  address: '0xC42cF87D75d3233de424cD68B0B6fE381aD83E98',
  chainId: 1001,
  createdAt: 1601876981,
  keyId: 'krn:1001:wallet:8e76d003-d6dd-4278-8d05-5172d8f010ca:account-pool:default:0x199647191a710a38496ed645eeec3b82d980dd635eebe236464ebc3c28f2d841',
  krn: 'krn:1001:wallet:8e76d003-d6dd-4278-8d05-5172d8f010ca:account-pool:default',
  publicKey: '0x04f86e01d9ec2f80cf47594c342aa1151a5b9cf95c3d0b8ba8613afa531ebdf7fe4b7c49c2b0d25be6491fe53b92bbb40f23f1f830ca50708f8fe2775f24e9c4ce',
  updatedAt: 1601876981
class Account {
    address: 0xE8785620772e6d5cddB4C71808C0EcF2FDEB4079
    chainId: 1001
    createdAt: 1602120333
    keyId: krn:1001:wallet:d5c346f5-bb80-4f45-9093-57e25205cdc8:account-pool:pool:0xa7b69c64336b0bc63481569cd81edaee81d61b35b4511d954dc534651eca75a3
    krn: krn:1001:wallet:d5c346f5-bb80-4f45-9093-57e25205cdc8:account-pool:pool
    publicKey: 0x04c5d9f0da5f39dcfb10fc386ce33853f6fbe0b75854433fd48af63af11ed889026d5b4f254637d21d8c03f9072065144529c0a54a36ed757b1893bad670d7dd0c
    updatedAt: 1602120333
    multiSigKeys: null
    threshold: null

For details about this API, please visit here. For inquires about this document or KAS, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Loading KAIA into Account


You can only receive KAIA on the testnet (Kairos). After you claim your KLAY from Faucet for a certain account, you have to wait 24 hours for the daily limit to reset.

Getting 150 KAIA

You can load 150 KAIA into your account by clicking on the battery icon next to the account address.

Get 150 KAIA for your account

For more information on this API, please refer to here. For inquiries on this document or on KAS in general, please visit Klaytn Forum.

Create Fee-payer Account

Create Fee-payer Pool

If you want to create the fee-payer account that pays the transaction fee for your other Kaia accounts in KAS, you first have to create the fee-payer pool that manages those fee-payer accounts. You can create multiple fee-payer pools. After creating fee-payer pools in KAS Console, you need to select one to create a fee-payer account inside of it.


For details of the fee delegation methods that KAS provides, please visit here.

KAS Console > Service > Wallet > Fee-payer Pools

Click the "Create" button under the KAS Console > Service > Wallet > Fee-payer Pools menu. Click the button to display the screen for creating fee-payer pools.

Service > Wallet > Fee-payer Pools

Create Fee-payer Pool

Create a fee-payer pool, and it must have a different name from other fee-payer pools on the current KAS account.

Create Fee-payer Pool


Fee-payer accounts must only be created on the KAS Console, according to this guide.
If a fee-payer account is created through another KAS API, it will not be registered to a KAS fee-payer pool.

Check Fee-payer Pool

Once the fee-payer pool is created, verify the pool in the fee-payer pool list.


KRN is used to call APIs for sending fee-delegated transactions.

Check Fee-payer Pool

For inquires about this document or KAS, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Create Fee-payer Account

Select one of the fee-payer pools to create a fee-payer account. Click a pool's KRN to display the "Details" screen of the fee-payer pool.

List of Fee-payer Pools

Details of a Fee-payer Pool

Click "Create Account" button to create the fee-payer account.

Create Fee-payer Account in the Fee-payer Pool

Check the newly created fee-payer account on the Details screen under the fee-payer pool.

Created Fee-payer Account

Details of Created Fee-payer Account

For inquires about this document or KAS, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Create Operator

KAS Console > Service > Anchor > Operators

Click the "Create" button on the KAS Console > Service > Anchor > Operators menu. Click the button to display the screen for creating operators as follows.

Service - Anchor - Operators

Configure Transaction Fee Payments for Data Anchoring Transaction

For creating an operator on the KAS Console, set the account that would pay the anchoring transaction fee for data to be sent by the operator.

Create Operator and Configure Anchoring Transaction Fee

Parameter Description
feepayer User's fee-payer account address. Used when paying data anchoring transaction fees using user's own fee-payer account.
useOperator Whether the operator will pay the data anchoring transaction fee
useGlobalFeepayer Whether KAS will pay data anchoring transaction fee (the transaction fee will be charged to the user later)
  • Use useGlobalFeepayer to send the data anchoring transaction even if the KAIA balance is insufficient.
  • An error will occur if all thee parameters are not set.
  • The data anchoring transaction fee will be delegated according to the following priorities if one or more parameters are entered.

Use useGlobalFeepayerto guarantee the execution of anchoring transaction.


To use feepayer, first create fee-payer pool and fee-payer account.
The fee-payer account address and the KRN value of the fee-payer pool are required to use the feepayer.

The fee payment priority will be as follows if several parameters are used together to send anchoring transactions.

Priority Parameter the transaction fee payer
1 feepayer User's separate fee-payer account
2 useOperator Operator
3 useGlobalFeepayer KAS (transaction fee will be charged to the user later)

The account with higher priority will pay the anchoring transaction fee first if all three parameters are used. If the operator struggles to pay the transaction fee because of insufficient feepayer account balance, the operator that sends an anchoring transaction will directly pay the fee as it has the next priority.

Example of using feepayer and GlobalFeepayer

Expected behaviors according to parameter values are as follow:

useGlobalFeepayer feepayer useOperator Priority
false X false Error
true X false KAS
false X true Operator
true X true Operator > KAS
false O false User fee-payer
false O true User fee-payer > Operator
true O true User fee-payer > Operator > KAS
true O false User fee-payer > KAS

Create and Check Operator

Once the parameters are set, create an operator.

Information of Created Operator

You can check the created operator in the operator list.

For inquires about this document or KAS, please visit KAS Developers Forum.

Generate API Authentication Key

An API authentication key is used to verify membership of the API caller. The authentication key consists of AccessKey ID and Secret AccessKey. Enter the authentication key in the request header when calling the API by following these steps:

-u {access-key-id}:{secret-access-key}

Click [Security] > [Credential] menu on the Console Dashboard.

Security - Credential menu

Click on [Create AccessKey] to create the AccessKey ID and Secret AccessKey. Push [Download] to download the created authentication key as a file (kas-credential-{access-key-id}.json).

Generate API Authentication Key

An API authentication key can be created in [KAS Console] - [Security] - [Credential], and the authentication password (Secret AccessKey) and Authorization will only be displayed once, at the time of creation. So please copy and store the Secret AccessKey and Authorization in a safe location for safe management. Authorization (e.g., Basic S0FTS1A2WkRaSjh...), which is also generated when creating the Credential, is an encoded value of the AccessKey ID and Secret AccessKey using the basic authentication method. It is used in the request header when calling APIs.

The KAS API Authentication Key (API Auth Key) enables access to all KAS services and reserves the rights to the Kaia account created with the Wallet API using the said API Auth Key. "Rights" include the access to and disposal of all assets (KAIA, etc.) or sending a transaction from the Kaia account. If you share your API Auth Key with any unauthorized party, your Kaia account could be compromised and might result in unwanted transactions.


DO NOT share your API Auth Key (Secret AccessKey or Authorization) with any unauthorized party. MAKE SURE to keep your API Auth Key safe for the security of your KAS/Kaia account.


Authentication keys can be created in [KAS Console] - [Security] - [Credential].
You can create up to two authentication keys.
To replace an existing authentication key, delete it first before creating a new one.

For any inquires about this document or KAS in general, please visit KAS Developers Forum.