Anchor API "anchors" the chaindata of services onto the Klaytn main chain. Stored regularly on the public blockchain, the data private blockchain can improve the stability and transparency of its data. The main features of Anchor API are:

  • Launch anchoring transactions
  • Retrieve anchoring transactions
  • Retrieve operator list

Launch anchoring transactions

Launch a transaction to anchor blockchain data. To successfully execute this transaction, you need to have sufficient balance in your account. Pass the following parameters in the request schema and send a request to the endpoint. It returns a boolean value indicating if it was successful or not.

  • operator

    The account address of the operator.

  • payload

    Anchoring data ID.

Retrieve anchoring transactions

Query transaction using operator ID, transaction hash or payload. You can pass the operator ID along, or with the transaction hash or payload. It returns transaction creation time, feepayer information, and the transaction hash.

Retrieve operator list

Retrieve a list of operators or the configurations of individual operators. It returns the operator creation time or feepayer account.

Do you want to test out Anchor API yourself? Visit Tutorial for detailed instructions. You can find the specifications for the API in KAS API Reference.