KIP-7 is the standard for FT (Fungible Token) contracts defined by Klaytn. With KAS KIP-7 API, you can easily mint and manage KIP-7 tokens. It acts the same way as Ethereum's ERC-20, but it also integrated the ERC-165. Unlike Ethereum, Mint/Send/Burn Token APIs all record event logs. The main features are KIP-7 API are:

  • Deploy Contract
    • Retrieve Contract List
    • Retrieve Contract Data
    • Add/Remove Contract Pauser
    • Pause/Resume Contract
    • Get Default Account
  • Mint Tokens
    • Add/Remove Minter
    • Retrieve Token Balance
  • Send Tokens
    • Send Token on Behalf of Owner
    • Authorize to Send Token
  • Burn Token

Deploy Contract

Deploy a new KIP-7 contract based on given parameters. Pass the following parameters in the request schema and send a request to the endpoint. It returns a boolean value indicating if the deployment was successful or not.

  • alias

    KAS supports contract alias which can be used in place of the contract address in the parameters. With a simple alias of your choice, you can make API requests easily without the complicated contract addresses.

  • symbol

    Symbol of the contract to deploy.

  • name

    Name of the contract to deploy.

  • initialSupply

    Initial token supply of the contract.

Mint Tokens

Mint new tokens from the deployed contract. You can specify the contract using the contract address or alias. KIP-7 tokens can only be minted from KIP-7 contracts. Pass the contract address in which the tokens are minted along with the initial supply and send a request to the endpoint. It returns a boolean value indicating if the deployment was successful or not.

  • to

    The account in which the tokens are minted.

  • amount

    The amount of tokens to mint.

Send Tokens

Send minted tokens. You can specify the contract using the contract address or alias. Pass the contract address in which the tokens are minted along with the initial supply and send a request to the endpoint. It returns a boolean value indicating if the tokens are successfully sent.

  • to

    The account to which the tokens are sent.

  • amount

    The amount of tokens to send.

The parameters you entered when calling the API will be stored in KAS Console Service > KIP Series > KIP-7 > Contracts. Do you want to test out KIP-7 API yourself? Visit Tutorial for detailed instructions. You can find the specifications for the API in KAS API Reference.

If you want to know more about the KIP-7 standard, please refer to Klaytn Improvement Proposals.