Metadata API manages the metadata for KIP-17, a NFT (Non-fungible Token) contract standard, and for KIP-37, a MT (Multi Token) contract standard. Metada refers to the attributes of the tokens. The main features of Metadata API are:

  • Upload Asset
  • Upload Metadata

Upload Asset

Upload an image or video file to be an attribute ot the token. Pass the following item in the request schema and send an API request. It returns file name, content type and URI.

  • file

    The file path of the file to upload.

Upload Metadata

Uploads token's metadata. Provides an URI for external access. Pass the following item as parameter and send an API request. It returns file name, content type and URI.

  • metadata

    Metadata in JSON format. It contrains file name, description and the link to the image.

You can find the specifications for the API in KAS API Reference.