In order to record data on the Klaytn blockchain you need to have Klaytn Endpoint Node (KEN) installed. Running a high spec node is not easy, but KAS makes it easier. You can write data on the blockchain or retrieve existing data from it without running an EN using Klaytn Node API. The main features of Klaytn Node API are:

  • Request JSON-RPC
  • Get Contract Information
    • FT Contract Information
    • NFT Contract Information
  • Get Token Information
    • NFT Information
  • Open WebSocket

Request JSON-RPC

Execute Klaytn JSON RPC. You can find the list of available RPC methods in KAS Console Service > Klaytn Node.

Get Contract and Token Information

Get contract and token information with path parameters. You can only retrieve contracts that follow the standards KIP-17, KIP-7, ERC-20, and ERC-721. Since the API doesn't check the conformity with the contract standards, a false passed value will return a false result.

Do you want to test out Klaytn Node API yourself? Visit Tutorial for detailed instructions. You can find the specifications for the API in KAS API Reference.