When you are using Klaytn with your own node, you have to go through all the transactions in order to find token history and other information. Using KAS can spare you of all that time and effort, namely with Token History API. With Token History API, you can easily retrieve the history of a given token. KLAY transaction history, token information for FT, NFT, and MT are also available. The main features of Token History API are:

  • Get Contract Information
    • Get FT Contract Information
    • Get FT Contract Information
    • Get MT Contract Information
    • Get All FT Contract Information
    • Get All NFT Contract Information
    • Get All MT Contract Information
  • Get Token Information
    • Get FT Information
    • Get NFT Information
    • Get MT Information
    • Get FT Information by Account
    • Get NFT Information by Account
    • Get MT Information by Account
    • Get Transaction History
  • Get Ownership Information
    • Get MT Ownership History
    • Get NFT Ownership History
  • Get Token Transaction History
    • Query by Transaction Hash
    • Query by Account

Get Contract Information

The process of making token contracts trackable with Token History API is called labelling, whereby the contract information is registered on KAS. The labelling status will be returned when you retrieve contract information. You can also specify a certain contract to retrieve its information.

Get Token Information

Retrieve token information. There are different endpoints depending on what you want to search. If you want to see the ownership change of a given token, use Get Token Information. But to find out which tokens an account holds, use Get Token Information by Account.

Get Ownership Information

Retrieve ownership information for NFTs or MTs. Ownership information of MTs shows you the previous owner along with other information. Ownership information of NFTs returns the sender (from), recipient (to) as well as the timestamp of transaction.

Get Token Transaction History

Retrieve token transactions. Pass the following item in the request schema and send a request to the endpoint. It returns token type, transaction and contract information, the sender, and recipient.

  • Preset

    Collection of token contract and account addresses. You have to create a Preset on KAS Console Service > Token History > Preset in advance to use this.

Do you want to test out Token History API? Visit Tutorial for detailed instructions. You can find the specifications for the API in KAS API Reference.