Wallet API manages your Klaytn accounts. Using Wallet API, you don't have to manage your private keys separately. Given the importance of key management, it provides a wallet with both user experience and security. Start managing your accounts and transaction with Wallet API today. The main features of Wallet API are:

  • Basic Account Management
    • Get Account List
    • Sign Transaction
    • Update to Multisig Account
    • Register Account
  • Manage Feepayer Account
    • Create/Delete Feepayer Account
    • Get Feepayer Account List
  • Basic Transactions
    • Create Legacy Transaction
    • Send KLAY
    • Deploy/Execute/Cancel Contract
    • Anchoring
    • Account Update
    • Call Contract
  • Transaction paid by KAS
    • Send KLAY with Global Fee Delegation
    • Deploy/Execute/Cancel Contract with Global Fee Delegation
    • Anchoring with Global Fee Delegation
    • Account Update with Global Fee Delegation
  • Transactions with User Fee Delegation
    • Send KLAY with User Fee Delegation
    • Deploy/Execute/Cancel Contract with User Fee Delegation
    • Anchoring with User Fee Delegation
    • Account Update with User Fee Delegation
  • Multisig Transactions
    • Get/Sign Pending Transactions
    • Sign Transactions with Signature Values
  • Manage Keys
    • Create/Delete Keys
    • Get Key List
    • Sign with Key
  • Manage History
    • Get Transactions with Fee Delegation

Klaytn Account

When you are developing a blockchain application, chances are that it will be submitting transactions to the blockchain. The entity that sends the transactions are Accounts. On Klaytn, your accounts are called EOA, or externally owned accounts. Whether you are sending a transaction to Klaytn with Wallet API or retrieving token transaction history using Token History API, you need a Klaytn account.

Fee Delegation Account and Operator

Klaytn can be divided into EOA (for storing, transferring, receiving KLAY) and a smart contract account which is created upon deploying a smart contract.

Account Pool

Your KAS account can own multiple Klaytn accounts. KAS provides account repositories called account pools to store your Klaytn accounts, so that you can manage multiple Klaytn accounts using just a single KAS account. There are different pools depending on the account type. One KAS account may manage multiple pools. KAS currently provides the following types of pools:

  • Default Account Pool : Repository for normal Klaytn accounts
  • Fee-payer Pool : Repository for feepayer accounts

Default Account Pool

This is the account pool that will be used when you don't designate a account pool for making KAS API requests. More specifically, if you don't enter a separate KRN (Klayrn Resource Number) of an account pool in the header's x-krn, the account in the default account pool will be used. You can find the default account pool in KAS Console > Service > Wallet > Account Pools with the DEFAULT tag.

The first account pool you create will automatically be the default account pool. Say you created an account pool A on KAS Console. That pool A will automatically be used when you make API requests. If you make an API request to create a Klaytn account without having an account pool, KAS will automatically create it for you and store your account there.


To make an API request using a Klaytn account in another pool, enter the KRN of that pool in x-krn.

Do you want to test out Wallet API? Visit Tutorial for detailed instructions. You can find the specifications for the API in KAS API Reference.