

Project is a service that enables you to control access rights to KAS resources. By creating a Project, you can control the access to KAS resources and APIs.

How is it different from KAS Credential?

The API Secret Access Key that you can obtain with your KAS account is a root credential. It grants you full access to the services and resources of KAS. Using the Project ID and Key, you can limit the API usage as well as only permit specific Actions and Sub Actions.

Project Functionalities

Project offers the following functionalities:

Sharing KAS account resources

  • You can manage and use KAS account resources without sharing the API secret access key of the root user.

Controlling access to permitted Actions and Subactions: Filter

  • Permitted Actions (API) and Subactions (Filters) constitute the specifications of the API access control.
  • Using Project, you can define the permitted Actions (APIs) and other conditions for access.
    1. Origin
    2. Only allow API calls when the Origin in the Request Header matches the Origin that was specified when creating the Project.
    3. Origin example:
    4. User-Agent
    5. Only allow API calls when the User-Agent in the Request Header matches the User-Agent that was specified when creating the Project.
    6. Only allow API calls when the User-Agent begins with a specified string (prefix match).
    7. User-Agent example: Chrome : Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36
    8. IP Whitelist
    9. Only allow API calls when the Client's IP matches the IP that was specified when creating the Project.
    10. KAS Action
    11. Action : Allow API calls for certain Actions that were specified when creating the Project
    12. SubAction : Allow API calls for certain Subactions that were specified when creating the Project (To be used when an Action requires a Subaction, e.g. for node::CallRPC)
    13. Filters
      • body : Only allow API calls when the Request Body matches the Body that was specified when creating the Project.
      • query : Only allow API calls when the Request Query matches the Query specified when creating the Project.
      • rlp : Only allow API calls when the RLP in the Request Body matches the RLP pattern specified when creating the Project.

Creating Project

To create a Project, sign in to KAS Console and go to My Page > Project.

Create Project

Click on [Create Project] and enter the required data: Name, Description, Origins, IP Whitelist, User Agent. Click [Create] to create a Project.

Create Project-2

Once you have created a Project, you can obtain the Project ID and Project Key. Download the Secret Access Key with the file name {Project-ID}.json.

Download Secret Access Key after Creating Project

The Project ID and Project Key will be displayed only once, so make sure to back them up and store them in a safe place. When you call an API, the Project ID and the Project Key will encoded, just like the AccessKey ID and the Secret AccessKey, and the Basic Auth header will automatically be generated.

After creating the Project, go to My Page - Project on Console. You will see the Project ID and a brief description on the list. If you want to edit the description, click on the Project ID and go to Project Info.

Edit Project


Project ID and Project Key grant you access to the KAS services that meet the required specifications that were defined when you created the Project. To ensure the protection of your KAS and Klaytn accounts, do not share your Project Key with others and keep them safely.

Adding Project Action & Filter

When a Project is first created, it doesn't have any Actions & Filters.


You cannot access any KAS resources if the Project ID and Key do not have specified Actions & Filters. Therefore, the client needs to add the desired Actions and Filters.

Under the Action & Filters tab in Project Info, click on the Add Action & Filter button.

Add Actions and Filters

Click on Action bar and select the KAS Action to add.

If a KAS Action requires a Sub Action, it can be added following the same steps.

Select Action

If you need filters for the Body, Query, RLP of the Action, add the names and patterns of the Filter and click Add.

Add Action Filter

As in the example above, if the query parameter size of kip17::GetContract is set to 5, you can call the API with the Project ID and Key only when the query parameter size is set to 5.

In the same way as mentioned above, if you set the field and pattern for Body and RLP, you can limit the access to certain APIs that meet the requirements.

After entering the data for the Actions Filters, click on Add Action & Filter to save them.

Save Action Filter

Reissuing Project Key

If you want to reissue the key for an existing Project, go to MyPage > Project and select the Project, and click Reissue ID & Key.

Reissue ID & KEY

Filtering Examples

Note: The filter name for the Project supports GJSON Path Syntax.

Filtering UserAgent

You can create a Project with a designated User-Agent. User-Agent is verified using the prefix and only API calls that include a valid User-Agent in the header are allowed.

Example: User-Agent is set to PostmanRuntime:

  • PostmanRuntime/7.280 (PASS)
  • PostmanRuntim/7.280 (FAIL)
  • Postman/7.280 (FAIL)

You can make changes in Project Info when necessary.

Filtering UserAgent

cURL Example:

curl --location --request GET '{{path}}' \
--header 'x-chain-id: {{chain-id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic = {{your basic authorization}}' \
--header 'User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.28.0' \

Filtering Origin

You can create a Project with a designated Origin. After that, you can only make API calls when the Origin is included in the header. Please make sure that the strings you entered correspond exactly to the Origin.

Example: Origin is set to

  • (PASS)
  • (FAIL)
  • https://foo.example (FAIL)

You can change them anytime in Project Info.

Origin Filtering

cURL Example:

curl --location --request GET '{{path}}' \
--header 'x-chain-id: {{chain-id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic = {{your basic authorization}}' \
--header 'Origin:' \

Filtering IP

You can designate an IP when creating a Project, which would only allow API calls from that IP address only. You can change this later in Project Info.

IP Filtering

Body Filtering

1. Node API - CallRPC : Allowing klay_getBalance calls for certain accounts

You need the following parameters when calling klay_getBalance using Node API.

  • Account address for checking the balance
  • Quantity Tag (e.g. ["latest", "earliest"] )

Fill in the params field with the parameters so that the body looks like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "klay_getBalance",
  "params": ["0x60d0902c428D0E197F97a756011Fd4893C1E57B0", "latest"]

To only allow klay_getBalance calls for certain accounts, select the Project from the Project List and click on the Actions & Filters tab.

As you see on the image, select node::CallRPC for Action and klay_getBalance for Sub Action. Select Body type for Action Filter. Since the account address is included at index 0 of params, the name of the filter is params.0, refering to its position at index 0. For the pattern, enter the account address that you want to permit.

Node API Filtering

After filling in the data, click Add Action & Filter.

If the Action and Filter was successfully added, you can make API calls with the Project ID and Key only for the designated account address.

cURL example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-chain-id: {{chain-id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{your authorization}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "klay_getBalance",
  "params": ["0x60d0902c428D0E197F97a756011Fd4893C1E57B0", "latest"]

Call successful (The designated address(0x60d0902c428D0E197F97a756011Fd4893C1E57B0) was added to params.0)

//200 response
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x4"

Call unsuccessful (An address other than 0x60d0902c428D0E197F97a756011Fd4893C1E57B0 was added toparams.0)

//401 response
  "code": 1010040,
  "message": "your request does not satisfy rules set to the project"

Body Filtering

2: KIP-17 API - Allowing certain accounts to mint tokens

To call Mint KIP-17 Contract Token, you need the following parameters:

  • Recipient ( to ): The Klaytn account address of the recipient
  • Token ID ( id ): The identification number of the token
  • Token URI ( uri ): The location of the token data (JSON file) expressed as an URI

In order to pass the above data, prepare a request Body like this:

  "to": "0x837Bbfa5dBCfD781c8EE45970d53F1F1198Bb6Bb",
  "id": "0x1",
  "uri": ""

To enable certain accounts to mint tokens, select the Project on the Project list and click on the Actions & Filters tab.

As you see on the image, select kip17::MintToken for Action and skip Sub Action because it doesn't apply here. Select Body type for Action Filter. The filter name is to, and pattern is the account address that you wish to permit.

Filtering KIP17 token minting

After entering all the data, click Add Action & Filter.

If the Action and Filter was successfully added, you can only make API calls with the Project ID and Key for the designated account address.

cURL example:

curl --location --request POST '{{your contract alias}}/token' \
--header 'x-chain-id: {{chain-id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{your authorization}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"to": "0x837Bbfa5dBCfD781c8EE45970d53F1F1198Bb6Bb",
"id": "0x3",
"uri": ""

Call successful (The designated address(0x837Bbfa5dBCfD781c8EE45970d53F1F1198Bb6Bb) was entered for to)

//200 response
  "status": "Submitted",
  "transactionHash": "0xd6c256493b89698363f80f080a3d5038d0be7261628175dfd61e056b45a2657b"

Call unsuccessful (An address other than 0x837Bbfa5dBCfD781c8EE45970d53F1F1198Bb6Bb was entered for to)

//401 response
  "code": 1010040,
  "message": "your request does not satisfy rules set to the project"

Query Filtering

1. Only allowing calls for certain chain-id

Select a Project from the Project list and click on the Actions & Filters tab.

As you see on the image, select an Action, such as kip17::MintToken, and skip Sub Action because because it doesn't apply here Select Query type for Action Filter. The filter name is chain-id, and pattern is the chain-id that you want to permit. To learn more about the possible query types, please refer to the API Reference.

chain-id Filtering

After entering the data, click on Add Action & Filter.

If the Action and Filter was successfully added, you can make the API call with the Project ID and Key only when the request parameter contains the chain-id as a Query Parameter.

cURL example: (KIP17:ListContractsInDeployerPool)

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-chain-id: 1001' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{your authorization}}'

Call successful (chain-id is 1001)

//200 response
  "cursor": "",
  "items": [
      "address": "0x8c467e64972627809080646cd6e99e65e97a4b34",
      "alias": "katelin-ottilie",
      "chainId": "1001",
      "name": "ProjectAPIToken2",
      "symbol": "Jessyca"
      "address": "0x7ebb8374affe6abfd0cff4f1e79a6d2f36d57d9b",
      "alias": "eldred-william",
      "chainId": "1001",
      "name": "ProjectAPIToken2",
      "symbol": "Logan"

Call unsuccessful (chain-id is not 1001)

//401 response
  "code": 1010040,
  "message": "your request does not satisfy rules set to the project"

Query Filtering

2. Only allowing size=5 when querying KIP-17 Token History

Select Project from the Project list and click on the Actions & Filters tab.

As you see on the image, enter kip17::GetTokenHistory for Action, and Skip Sub Action since it doesn't apply here. Select Query type as Action Filter. The filter name is size, and we will set pattern to 5.

Query size Filtering

After entering the data, click Add Action & Filter.

If the Action and Filter was successfully added, you can only make the API call with the Project ID and Key when "size=5" is given as a Query Parameter.

cURL example:

curl --location --request GET '{{your contract alias}}/token/{{your token-id}}/history?size=5' \
--header 'x-chain-id: {{x-chain-id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{your authorization}}'

Call successful (size is 5)

//200 response
  "cursor": "",
  "items": [
      "from": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "timestamp": 1621833241,
      "to": "0x8abe38707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d"
      "from": "0x8abe38707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d",
      "timestamp": 162183332,
      "to": "0x3vcdew707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d"
      "from": "0x3vcdew707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d",
      "timestamp": 1621833321,
      "to": "0x8abe38707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d"
      "from": "0x3vcdew707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d",
      "timestamp": 1621833651,
      "to": "0x8abe38707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d"
      "from": "0x3vcdew707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d",
      "timestamp": 1621833931,
      "to": "0x8abe38707b1ea6cd6a2fda8d710e733a819bcd8d"

Call unsuccessful (size is not 5)

//401 response
  "code": 1010040,
  "message": "your request does not satisfy rules set to the project"

RLP Filtering

Filtering Wallet API's from account for Send Klay Transaction

Select the Project on the Project list and click on the Actions & Filters tab.

As you see on the image, enter wallet:tx:basic-RLPTx for Action and skip Sub Action because it doesn't apply here. Select select rlp type for Action Filter. The filter name is {Position of the RLP field in Body(gjson supported)}#rlp#{field in RLP-encoded Body (gjson supported)}, and the pattern is the account address that you wish to permit.

Below is an example where only 0x59733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959 is allowed as the account address of the from field.

  "from": "0x59733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959",
  "gas": 1000000,
  "gasPrice": "0x5d21dba00",
  "input": "0x3078313233",
  "nonce": 2,
  "signatures": [
      "R": "0x76d842c247cc55e3a4becff0f11fc99b14d8730bf24620c33d77819a504166f6",
      "S": "0x4e1359142cbf87965648d813505d211bd3e6b0b5618f93e1a4e6ed6e8b1af17d",
      "V": "0x7f5"
  "to": "0x60d0902c428d0e197f97a756011fd4893c1e57b0",
  "typeInt": 16,
  "value": "0x121111111111111111"

When you RLP-encode the JSON object, the return value will look like this:


You can also enter the following data in the Body when calling wallet:tx:basic-RLPTx.

  "rlp": "0x10f88e028505d21dba00830f42409460d0902c428d0e197f97a756011fd4893c1e57b0891211111111111111119459733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959853078313233f847f8458207f5a076d842c247cc55e3a4becff0f11fc99b14d8730bf24620c33d77819a504166f6a04e1359142cbf87965648d813505d211bd3e6b0b5618f93e1a4e6ed6e8b1af17d",
  "submit": true

The filter name is rlp#rlp#from, and the pattern 0x59733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959.

RLP Filtering

After entering all the data, click Add Action & Filter.

If the Action and Filter was successfully added, you can only make API calls for the specified account address with the Project ID and Key.

cURL example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-chain-id: 1001' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {your authorization}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "rlp": "0x10f88e028505d21dba00830f42409460d0902c428d0e197f97a756011fd4893c1e57b0891211111111111111119459733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959853078313233f847f8458207f5a076d842c247cc55e3a4becff0f11fc99b14d8730bf24620c33d77819a504166f6a04e1359142cbf87965648d813505d211bd3e6b0b5618f93e1a4e6ed6e8b1af17d",
    "submit": true

Call successful (The specified address (0x59733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959) was entered correctly in from)

//200 response
  "from": "0x59733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959",
  "gas": 1000000,
  "gasPrice": "0x5d21dba00",
  "input": "0x3078313233",
  "nonce": 2,
  "rlp": "0x10f88e028505d21dba00830f42409460d0902c428d0e197f97a756011fd4893c1e57b0891211111111111111119459733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959853078313233f847f8458207f5a076d842c247cc55e3a4becff0f11fc99b14d8730bf24620c33d77819a504166f6a04e1359142cbf87965648d813505d211bd3e6b0b5618f93e1a4e6ed6e8b1af17d",
  "signatures": [
      "R": "0x76d842c247cc55e3a4becff0f11fc99b14d8730bf24620c33d77819a504166f6",
      "S": "0x4e1359142cbf87965648d813505d211bd3e6b0b5618f93e1a4e6ed6e8b1af17d",
      "V": "0x7f5"
  "status": "Submitted",
  "to": "0x60d0902c428d0e197f97a756011fd4893c1e57b0",
  "transactionHash": "0x9a36190fa34c2433687db9e3fc9a699cd9c7b3d195a1867ef77c242351789893",
  "typeInt": 16,
  "value": "0x121111111111111111"

Call unsuccessful (An address other than 0x59733a0943465fc4f5540b368d92a9d08472e959 was entered in from)

//401 response
  "code": 1010040,
  "message": "your request does not satisfy rules set to the project"

Approving All Calls for a Specific Action

If you want to approve all calls for a specific Action, just add the Action without adding the Sub Action and Filter.

We will demonstrate this with two examples.

Allowing specific Actions

1. Allow calls for all methods of Node API

You can allow all calls for the Action node::CallRPC for the Project ID/Key that you obtained.

Select the Project from the Project List and click on the Actions & Filters tab. As you can see below, select node::CallRPC for Action, and leave the Sub Action and Action Filter fields empty.

Node API Filtering - 1

And then click on Add Action & Filter.

Now using the Project ID/Key, all calls for the Action node::CallRPC are allowed.

2. Allow minting of all KIP-17 tokens

You can allow all calls for the Action kip17::MintToken for the Project ID/Key that you obtained.

First, select the Project from the Project List and click on the Actions & Filters tab. As you can see below, select kip17::MintToken for Action. Skip Sub Action because it doesn't apply here, and also leave the Action Filter empty.

Filtering KIP-17 Token Minting - 1

And then click on Add Action & Filter.

Now using the Project ID/Key, all calls for the Action node::CallRPC are allowed.

Multiple Filters for Action

Specific item size for "Get KIP-17 Token History"

Project allows you to apply multiple filters for a specific Action. For example, you can apply two filters, size=3 and size=5, for the Action "Get KIP-17 Token History". Select the Project from the Project List and go to the Actions & Filters tab.

Allow size=3

As you can see below, select kip17::GetTokenHistory as Action and skip Sub Action because it doesn't apply here. For Action Filter select Query type and enter "size" for Filter name, and "3" for Filter pattern. Click Add, and then Add Action & Filter.

Filtering KIP-17 Token History - 1

Allow size=5

You will see that an Action kip17:GetTokenHistory with a size=3 filter has been added. Now select kip17::GetTokenHistory again for Action. And choose Query type for Action Filter, and enter enter "size" for Filter name, and "5" for Filter pattern. Click Add, and then Add Action & Filter.

Filtering KIP-17 Token History - 2


Note: Do not apply the filters with the same field name for one Action.

If you add multiple size filters for one Action like in the picture below, you won't be able to make any calls for kip17::GetTokenHistory.

Filtering KIP17 Token History - 3

Defining KAS Actions

Anchor API


For more details on Anchor API, please refer to Anchor API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
anchor:operator:RetrieveOperators GET /v1/operator Returns a list of all operators
anchor:operator:RetrieveOperator GET /v1/operator/:operator-id Returns a list of specified operators
anchor:block:AnchorBlock POST /v1/anchor Creates an anchoring transaction
anchor:block:RetrieveTxs GET /v1/operator/:operator-id/tx Returns a list of anchoring transactions by operator
anchor:block:RetrieveTxByHash GET /v1/operator/:operator-id/tx/:transaction-hash Returns a list of anchoring transactions bt transaction hash
anchor:block:RetrieveTxByPayload GET /v1/operator/:operator-id/payload/:payload-id Returns a list of transactions by payload

Node API


For more details on Node API, please refer toNode API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
node::CallRPC POST /v1/klaytn Call JSON RPC
node::GetFtContractMetadata GET /v1/metaadata/ft/:address Returns the metadata of a FT Contract
node::GetNftContractMetadata GET /v1/metaadata/nft/:address Returns the metadata of a NFT Contract
node::GetNftMetadata GET /v1/metaadata/nft/:address/:id Returns the metadata of a NFT

Token Hisotry API


For more details on Token History API, please refer to Token History API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
th:preset-pool:GetTransfersByPresetPools GET /v2/transfer Returns token transfer history
th::GetTransfersByTxHash GET /v2/transfer/tx/:txHash Returns token transfer history by transaction hash
th::GetTransfersByAddress GET /v2/transfer/account/:address Returns token transfer history by address
th::GetContractFts GET /v2/contract/ft Returns a list of the data of all FT contracts
th::GetContractFt GET /v2/contract/ft/:ftAddress Returns the data of a specified FT contract
th::GetContractNfts GET /v2/contract/nft Returns the data of all NFT contracts
th::GetContractNft GET /v2/contract/nft/:nftAddress Returns the data of a specified NFT contract
th::GetContractMts GET /v2/contract/mt Returns the data of all MT contracts
th::GetContractMt GET /v2/contract/mt/:mtAddress Returns the data of a specified MT contract
th::GetContractNftTokens GET /v2/contract/nft/:nftAddress/token Returns the data of all tokens of an NFT contract
th::GetContractNftTokensByOwner GET /v2/contract/nft/:nftAddress/owner/:ownerAddress Returns the data of all NFT tokens belonging to an address
th::GetContractNftToken GET /v2/contract/nft/:nftAddress/token/:tokenId Returns the data of a specified NFT token
th::GetContractMtTokens GET /v2/contract/mt/:mtAddress/token Returns the data of all tokens of an MT contract
th::GetContractMtTokensById GET /v2/contract/mt/:mtAddress/token/:tokenId Returns the ownership history of a specified MT
th::GetContractMtTokensByOwner GET /v2/contract/mt/:mtAddress/owner/:ownerAddress Returns the data of all MT tokens belonging to a specific address
th::GetContractMtTokenByOwner GET /v2/contract/mt/:mtAddress/owner/:ownerAddress/token/:tokenId Returns the data of a specified MT token belonging to a specific address
th::GetContractNftTokenHistory GET /v2/contract/nft/:nftAddress/token/:tokenId/history Returns the ownership history of a specified NFT
th::GetAccountContracts GET /v2/account/:address/contract Returns the data of a specified contract belonging to a specific address
th::GetAccountTokens GET /v2/account/:address/token Returns the data of a specified token belonging to a specific address

Wallet API


For more details on Wallet API, please refer to Wallet API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
wallet::CreateAccount POST /v2/account Creates basic account
wallet:account:GetAccounts GET /v2/account Returns a list of accounts
wallet:account:GetAccount GET /v2/account/:address Returns a specified account
wallet:account:DeleteAccount DELETE /v2/account/:address Deletes a specified account
wallet:account:DisableAccount PUT /v2/account/:address/disable Deactivates a specified account
wallet:account:EnableAccount PUT /v2/account/:address/enable Activates a specified account
wallet:account:SignTx POST /v2/account/:address/tx/:tx_id/sign Signs a transaction
wallet:account:UpdateToMultisigAccount PUT /v2/account/:address/multisig Updates the account to Multisig
wallet:account:GetAssociatedAccountsWithPubKey GET /v2/pubkey/:public_key/account Returns the accounts associated with a specified public key
wallet:account:CreateFeePayerAccount POST /v2/feepayer Creates a fee payer account
wallet:account:GetFeePayerAccounts GET /v2/feepayer Returns a list of fee payer accounts
wallet:account:GetFeePayerAccount GET /v2/feepayer/:address Returns a specified fee payer account
wallet:account:DeleteFeePayerAccount DELETE /v2/feepayer/:address Deletes a specified fee payer account
wallet:tx:basic-LegacyTx POST /v2/tx/legacy Creates a legacy transaction
wallet:tx:basic-ValueTransferTx POST /v2/tx/value Creates a Klay transfer transaction
wallet:tx:basic-ContractDeployTx POST /v2/tx/contract/deploy Creates a contract deployment transaction
wallet:tx:basic-ContractExecuteTx POST /v2/tx/contract/execute Creates a contract execution transaction
wallet:tx:basic-CancelTx DELETE /v2/tx Cancels a transaction
wallet:tx:basic-AnchorTx POST /v2/tx/anchor Creates an anchoring transaction
wallet:tx:basic-RLPTx POST /v2/tx/rlp Creates a transaction using RLP
wallet:tx:basic-UpdateAccountTx PUT /v2/tx/account Creates an account update transaction
wallet:tx:GetTxInfo GET /v2/tx/:tx_hash Returns a specified transaction by transaction hash
wallet:tx:ContractCall POST /v2/tx/contract/call Calls a specified contract
wallet:tx:fd-FDValueTransferTx POST /v2/tx/fd/value Creates a Klay transfer transaction with global fee delegation
wallet:tx:fd-FDContractDeployTx POST /v2/tx/fd/contract/deploy Creates a contract deployment transaction with global fee delegation
wallet:tx:fd-FDContractExecuteTx POST /v2/tx/fd/contract/execute Creates a contract execution transaction with global fee delegation
wallet:tx:fd-FDCancelTx DELETE /v2/tx/fd Creates a transaction to cancel transaction with global fee deletation
wallet:tx:fd-FDAnchorTx POST /v2/tx/fd/anchor Creates an anchoring transaction with global fee deletation
wallet:tx:fd-FDRLPTx POST /v2/tx/fd/rlp Creates a transaction using RLP with global fee deletation
wallet:tx:fd-FDUpdateAccountTx PUT /v2/tx/fd/account Creates a transaction for updating account with global fee deletation
wallet:tx:fduser-UserFDValueTransferTx POST /v2/tx/fd-user/value Creates a Klay transfer transaction with user fee delegation
wallet:tx:fduser-UserFDContractDeployTx POST /v2/tx/fd-user/contract/deploy Creates a contract deployment transaction with user fee delegation
wallet:tx:fduser-UserFDContractExecuteTx POST /v2/tx/fd-user/contract/execute Creates a contract execution transaction with user fee delegation
wallet:tx:fduser-UserFDCancelTx DELETE /v2/tx/fd-user Creates a transaction to cancel a transaction with user fee delegation
wallet:tx:fduser-UserFDAnchorTx POST /v2/tx/fd-user/anchor Creates an anchoring transaction with user fee delegation
wallet:tx:fduser-UserFDRLPTx POST /v2/tx/fd-user/rlp Creates a transaction using RLP with user fee delegation
wallet:tx:fduser-UserFDUpdateAccountTx PUT /v2/tx/fd-user/account Creates a transaction for updating account with user fee delegation
wallet:tx:GetMultisigTxInfo GET /v2/multisig/account/:address/tx Returns a pending transaction
wallet:tx:SignMultisigTx POST /v2/multisig/account/:address/tx/:tx_id/sign Signs a pending transaction
wallet:tx:SignMultisigTxBySig POST /v2/multisig/tx/:tx_id/sign Signs transaction
wallet:stat:GetAccountCount GET /v2/stat/count Returns the number of the Klaytn accounts and keys belonging to a user
wallet:stat:GetAccountCountByKRN GET /v2/stat/count/krn Returns the number of Klaytn accounts in a specified account pool
wallet:key:CreateKey POST /v2/key Creates a new key
wallet:key:GetKey GET /v2/key/:key_id Returns a specified key
wallet:key:DeleteKey DELETE /v2/key/:key_id Deletes a specified key
wallet:key:SignData POST /v2/key/:key_id/sign Signs data using a specified key
wallet:account:RegisterAccounts POST /v2/registration/account Registers an account



For more details on KIP-17 API, please refer to KIP-17 API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
kip17::DeployContract POST /v2/contract Deploys a KIP-17 Contract
kip17::ListContractsInDeployerPool GET /v2/contract Returns a list of KIP-17 contracts
kip17::GetContract GET /v2/contract/:caoa Returns a specified KIP-17 contract
kip17::MintToken POST /v2/contract/:caoa/token Returns a specified KIP-17 contract token of a specified contract
kip17::ListTokensInContract GET /v2/contract/:caoa/token Returns a list of tokens issued from a specified KIP-17 contract
kip17::GetToken GET /v2/contract/:caoa/token/:token-id Returns the data of a specified token of a KIP-17 contract
kip17::TransferToken POST /v2/contract/:caoa/token/:token-id Sends a specified KIP-17 token
kip17::BurnToken DELETE /v2/contract/:caoa/token/:token-id Burns a specified KIP-17 token
kip17::ApproveToken POST /v2/contract/:caoa/approve/:token-id Approves the transfer of a specified token of a specified contract
kip17::ApproveAll POST /v2/contract/:caoa/approveall Approves the transfer of all tokens of a specified contract
kip17::GetOwnerTokens POST /v2/contract/:caoa/owner/:owner Returns a list of tokens owned by a specified owner
kip17::GetTokenHistory GET /v2/contract/:caoa/token/:token-id/history Returns ownership history of a specified token



For more details on KIP-7 API, please refer to KIP-7 API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
kip7::ListContractsInDeployerPool GET /v2/contract Returns a list of KIP-7 contracts
kip7::DeployContract POST /v2/contract Deploys a KIP-7 contract
kip7::GetContract GET /v2/contract/:caoa Returns the data of a specified KIP-7 contract
kip7::PauseContract POST /v2/contract/:caoa/pause Pauses a specified KIP-7 contract
kip7::UnpauseContract POST /v2/contract/:caoa/unpause Resumes a specified KIP-7 contract
kip7::MintToken POST /v2/contract/:caoa/mint Creates a new KIP-7 token
kip7::TransferToken POST /v2/contract/:caoa/transfer Sends a KIP-7 token
kip7::TransferFromToken POST /v2/contract/:caoa/transfer-from Sends a KIP-7 token on behalf of a third party
kip7::GetTokenBalance GET /v2/contract/:caoa/account/:owner/balance Returns the balance of KIP-7 tokens of an account
kip7::ApproveToken POST /v2/contract/:caoa/approve Approves the transfer of a token
kip7::GetAllowanceToken GET /v2/contract/:caoa/account/:owner/allowance/:spender Returns the list of approved KIP-7 tokens
kip7::BurnToken DELETE /v2/contract/:caoa/burn Deletes KIP-7 tokens
kip7::BurnFromToken DELETE /v2/contract/:caoa/burn-from Deletes approved KIP-7 tokens
kip7::GetDefaultDeployer GET /v1/deployer/default Returns the default contract deployer accounts



For more details on KIP-37 API, please refer to KIP-37 API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
kip37:externalApi:HandleGetContracts GET /v2/contract Returns a list of KIP-37 contracts
kip37:externalApi:HandleDeployContract POST /v2/contract Deploys a KIP-37 contract
kip37:externalApi:HandleImportContract POST /v2/contract/import Imports KIP-37 contracts
kip37:externalApi:HandleGetContract GET /v2/contract/:caoa Returns KIP-37 contract data
kip37:externalApi:HandleUpdateContract PUT /v2/contract/:caoa Updates KIP-37 contract data
kip37:externalApi:HandleApproveAll POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/approveall Approves transfers for all tokens of a KIP-37 contract
kip37:externalApi:HandlePauseContract POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/pause Pauses a KIP-37 contract
kip37:externalApi:HandleUnpauseContract POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/unpause Resumes a KIP-37 contract
kip37:externalApi:HandleCreateToken POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/token Creates a KIP-37 token
kip37:externalApi:HandleGetTokens GET /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/token Returns a list of KIP-37 tokens
kip37:externalApi:HandleMintTokens POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/token/mint Mints additional KIP-37 tokens
kip37:externalApi:HandleTransferTokens POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/token/transfer Transfers a KIP-37 token
kip37:externalApi:HandleBurnTokens DELETE /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/token Burns a KIP-37 token
kip37:externalApi:HandlePauseToken POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/token/pause/:token-id Pauses a KIP-37 token
kip37:externalApi:HandleUnpauseToken POST /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/token/unpause/:token-id Resumes a KIP-37 token
kip37:externalApi:HandleGetTokenOwnershipsByOwner GET /v2/contract/:contract-address-or-alias/owner/:owner-address/token Returns a list of KIP-37 tokens owned by a specified account
kip37:externalApi:HandleGetDefaultDeployer GET /v1/deployer/default Returns the default contract deployer account

Metadata API


For more details on KIP-37 API, please refer to Metadata API Reference.

Action ID API PATH Description
metadata:externalApi:UploadMetadata POST /v1/metadata Uploads metadata
metadata:externalApi:UploadAsset POST /v1/metadata/asset Uploads assets