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The KIP-37 API helps DApp (Decentralized Application) developers to manage contracts and tokens created in accordance with the KIP-37 standard, which is Kaia's technical speficication for Multi Tokens. The functionality of the multiple endpoints enables you to do the following actions:

  • deploy smart contracts
  • manage the entire life cycle of an MT from minting, to sending and burning
  • get contract or token data
  • authorize a third party to execute token transfers
  • view token ownership history

When you deployed a contract using SDKs such as caver, you can manage your contracts and tokens using the contract address and a Wallet API account.

For more details on KAS, please refer to KAS Docs. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the KAS Developers Forum.


When a method of the KIP-37 API requires a contract address, you can use the contract alias. You can give the contract an alias when deploying a contract, and use it in place of the complicated address.


When you create a contract, you will be assigned one deployer address per Credential, which is the account address used for managing contracts. In KIP-37 API, this address is used in many different token-related operations. You can find the deployer address with KIP37Deployer.

New Features and Compatibility with v1

KIP-37 v2 newly supports Ownable interface. Using this, you can designate a contract owner when deploying a contract. Features renouncing or transferring ownership by the contract owner and querying a specific contract owner are also available. The contracts deployed with KIP-37 v1 are inaccessible to use the collection-editing feature on OpenSea, while the owner of contracts deployed with v2 can set and edit collections.

All features except ownership-related API are the same as v1 and compatible with the contracts deployed with KIP-37 v1. However, we recommend using only v2 APIs for the contracts deployed with KIP-37 v2.

Fee Payer Options

KAS KIP-37 supports four scenarios for paying transaction fees:

1. Using only KAS Global FeePayer Account
Sends all transactions using the KAS global FeePayer Account.

    "options": {
      "enableGlobalFeePayer": true

2. Using User FeePayer account
Sends all transactions using the KAS User FeePayer Account.

  "options": {
    "enableGlobalFeePayer": false,
    "userFeePayer": {
      "krn": "krn:1001:wallet:20bab367-141b-439a-8b4c-ae8788b86316:feepayer-pool:default",
      "address": "0xd6905b98E4Ba43a24E842d2b66c1410173791cab"

3. Using both KAS Global FeePayer Account + User FeePayer Account
Uses User FeePayer Account as default. When the balance runs out, KAS Global FeePayer Account will be used.

  "options": {
    "enableGlobalFeePayer": true,
    "userFeePayer": {
      "krn": "krn:1001:wallet:20bab367-141b-439a-8b4c-ae8788b86316:feepayer-pool:default",
      "address": "0xd6905b98E4Ba43a24E842d2b66c1410173791cab"

4. Not using FeePayer Account
Sends a transaction via normal means where the sender pays the transaction fee.

  "options": {
    "enableGlobalFeePayer": false


A common error titled Unauthorized occurs regardless of API type if you have authorization issues.

401: Unauthorized

Code Message Description
1010009 invalid credential The credential you entered is invalid.



KAS uses Basic HTTP Auth. All requests must have a correct Authorization header. You can create the Credential for Basic Auth by using username as AccessKey ID and password as SecretAccessKey obtained on KAS Console.


The KAS account credentials grant access to all services of KAS and own all rights to the Kaia account created by Wallet API, which means they can execute value transfer of assets on the Kaia account (such as KAIA) or a Transaction execution. To keep your KAS/Kaia account secure, do not share your KAS API Secret Access Key with others and manage it safely.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u ${your_accessKeyId}:${your_secretAccessKey} \
--header 'x-chain-id: 1001' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme basic