400: Bad Request

The request is not valid.

Code Message Description
1130050 invalid request; {data} The data format is wrong.
1100101 data not found Data doesn't exist.
1130107 incorrect bookmark Cursor format is wrong.
1010007 invalid path or method The path or method you entered is wrong.
1100251 value out of range Value is out of range.
1104401 failed to get account The KRN or the sender address you entered is wrong. Please check your sender Account Pool.
1134410 invalid address; {data} The address you entered is wrong.
1134411 invalid amount; amount Amount is invalid.
1134412 invalid krn; {data} The KRN or the sender address you entered is wrong.
1134414 invalid hex format: {data} Hex format is wrong.
1100251 contract not ready Checking contract deployment status.
1134403 invalid alias format The alias is invalid. Please check the requirements.
1134418 insufficient balance; {data} Balance is insufficient to execute this request.