Klaytn Node API

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Klaytn Node API helps BApp (Blockchain Application) developers to use the blockchain platform Klaytn without having to run a node themselves. Normally using Klaytn requires that you operate a Klaytn Endpoint Node (KEN) with a hardware with high-spec computing power. With Node API, you can start using the Klaytn platform without having to run a node. The functionality of the Node API endpoints enables you to do the following actions:

  • make a JSON RPC API request
  • get FT contracts
  • get NFT contracts
  • Connect to WebSocket

For more details on KAS, please refer to KAS Docs. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the KAS Developers Forum.


A common error titled Unauthorized occurs regardless of API type if you have authorization issues.

401: Unauthorized

Code Message Description
1010009 The credential you provided does not match in our record The credential you provided is invalid.
1010007 The path or method in request is invalid. Check the service API documentation and try again. Path or method is wrong.



KAS uses Basic HTTP Auth. All requests must have a correct Authorization header. You can create the Credential for Basic Auth by using username as AccessKey ID and password as SecretAccessKey obtained on KAS Console.


KAS Credential enables full access to KAS and the Klaytn accounts created using the Wallet API. It enables asset transfers of the Klaytn account's assets (like KLAY) as well as Transaction Executions. To keep your KAS/Klaytn accounts secure, do not share your KAS API Secret Access Key with others.


  curl --location --request POST 'https://node-api.klaytnapi.com/v1/klaytn' \
  -u {{your_accessKeyId}}:{{your_secretAccessKey}} \
  --header 'x-chain-id: 8217' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"klay_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'


  const accessKeyId = "{{your_accessKeyId}}";
  const secretAccessKey = "{{your_secretAccessKey}}";

  const option = {
    headers: [
      {name: 'Authorization', value: 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(accessKeyId + ':' + secretAccessKey).toString('base64')},
      {name: 'x-chain-id', value: '8217'},

  const caver = new Caver(new Caver.providers.HttpProvider("https://node-api.klaytnapi.com/v1/klaytn", option))


  HttpService httpService = new HttpService("https://node-api.klaytnapi.com/v1/klaytn");
  String auth = Credentials.basic("{{your_accessKeyId}}", "{{your_secretAccessKey}}", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
  httpService.addHeader("Authorization", auth);
  httpService.addHeader("x-chain-id", "8217")
  Caver caver = Caver.build(httpService);
Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme basic